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About Us
The law and you can never be separated. This is more realistic as you become prominent in different economic areas. These economic interests are interrelated and are covered in the various legal scenarios as encapsulated in the consultative areas we do cover. These include matters in the fields of land law (including conveyancing), legal procedures and processes, adoption matters, marriage/ divorce/ child support, and succession law). And with more than 20 years of experience, you can trust us to find a tailored solution to your needs.
Not interested in litigation? Worry not! Our legal team is also well-versed in alternative dispute resolution methods and will happily guide mediation or arbitration approaches. These methods have proven to preserve relationships, incur fewer costs, and enable you to find solutions within shorter periods compared to litigation.
At The Law and You, we are well experienced and excited to assist you as you deal with the challenges you may encounter in your life journey.
Over 20 Years of Experience
Decades of experience have made us experts in litigation, alternative dispute resolution (e.g., arbitration, mediation, etc.), and non-contested matters, e.g., conveyancing and making wills.
Tailored Legal Solutions
We understand that legal problems do not have cookie-cutter solutions and will tailor the perfect approach for you. We exhaustively review all legal problems to ensure we offer conclusive answers.
High Quality Legal Services
Our extensive team comprises experts in different legal fields, resulting in lengthy collaborative consultations whose comparative legal opinions result in satisfied clientelle.